About Us
Core Prospecting is a privately owned company set up in 2011 by the sole director Toby Houldsworth. Toby has over 10 years of industry experience in both Western Australia and in Victoria from open pit mining to underground airleg mining.
Core Prospecting is aimed toward assisting small companies and individuals with developing small mineral projects into successful operations. Core Prospecting can achieve this goal by creating an effective team strategy with sub-contractors and advisers on projects from acquisition, exploration, pre-feasibility through to rehabilitation and project closure.
New technology plays a key role in our plans to develop prospects into long-term viable projects. The constant development of geophysical technologies assist in identifying key exploration targets and using effective methods of on-the-job grade control. Core Prospecting strives to use a strategic balance of new and old technology combined to operate at an efficient rate on a very small scale.
Other Services
Toby Houldsworth
Geology Services
- 3D geological modelling and workflows
- Structural
- Numerical
- Drill core logging and sampling
- Setting up logging systems
- Diamond
- RC
- Auger
- Designing and undertaking Geological mapping campaigns
- Structural geology
- Analysis at multiple scale (regional to prospect to individual outcrop or drillhole
- Prospectivity analysis & target generation
- Designing and undertaking geochemical sampling campaigns
- Geochemical vectoring
- QAQC processes and sampling methodology
- Reporting (JORC & NI43-101 format)
- Database management
- Hyperspectral analysis
- Geophysical and remote sensing interpretation
- Magnetic
- Gravity
- Radiometrics
- Seismics
- IP
- ASTER/SENTINAL satellites
For more information, contact us.